Charging Station for Electric Vehicles – Solar Powered
P. C. McKenzie Company is proud to represent Paradise Energy Solutions, located in Paradise Pa, helping business to make a difference using solar energy.
We believe there are many advantages to solar power. These include:
- The impact on the environment. Zero pollutants. Zero Carbon Dioxide.
- Direct reduction of your energy bill
- Consistent energy production during peak hours
- Availability of sunshine to produce electricity
- Reduces risk due to grid blackouts
Please check back to learn more about the future and the role solar energy will play in your facility.
Level 1 – Level 2 and Level 3 – Electric Vehicle Recharging
There are three basic forms of electric vehicle recharging designated as level 1 through level 3.
Level 1 Electric Charging
Level 1 charging use a 120 volt AC plug and requires a dedicated circuit. This type of charging option is standard on electric vehicles and does not require the installation of recharging equipment. The recharging cord has a standard, three-prong plug on one end and a connector on the other.
Level 1 charging can take 8 to 12 hours to completely charge a battery and is normally done overnight. You might say Level 1 charging is to electrical vehicle recharging as time-fill is to NGV Refueling.
J1772 charge port
Level 2 Electric Charging
Level 2 Charging is accomplished through a 240V AC connection with a dedicated 40 amp circuit. This level of charging equipment is commonly found public spaces. Juice Bar offers a level 2 charging unit that can be mounted on a pedestal, wall mounted or even placed on a light pole. A cord from the recharging unit connects directly to the vehicle using the same connector.
Level 2 charging is faster than Level 1 typically taking between 4 to 6 hours to completely charge the battery. In the NGV world this would be a buffer fill system.
J1772 charge port
Level 3 Electric Charging
If Level 2 charging is compared to an NGV buffer fill, then Level 3 would be the Fast Fill of the EV charging world. Level 3 charging equipment with CHAdeMO technology charges through a 480V direct current plug. These Level 3 chargers can provide 80% of a charge in 30 minutes. However, these chargers may not be compatible with all electric vehicles and the charge itself may not be acceptable to all vehicles. Level 3 chargers use different connectors than Level 2 and Level 1.
J1772 Charge Port Combo