How to Test a Relief Valve – Relief Valve Testing – Axelson Test Stand – Axelson Relief Valve- Blowdown Test Fixture for Relief Valve Testing
How to Safely Test Your Relief Valves in the Field We offer a pilot test fixture that allows you to conveniently bench test all of your pilots.
[color-box]This pilot test fixture was developed over 50 years ago and remains one of the most convenient ways to test your RVC and BDC Pilots.[/color-box]Wouldn’t it be nice to check your Axelson. Garrett, or USI Pilot Operated Relief Valve without removing it from your installation?
P. C. McKenzie Company offers a Relief & Blowdown test fixture that allows you to check set pressures and blowdown pressures of Axelson pilot operated relief valves in the field. Since only the pilots are tested it is not necessary to remove the entire valve.
The set pressure and blowdown pressure of your relief valve can be changed or checked in the field using this test fixture. Only the pilots need to be removed from the valve. It is not necessary to remove the main body from the line.
The operation of this portable test fixture is very simple and convenient. Pressure from a cylinder of nitrogen (do not use oxygen) or some other pressure source many be used to check the setting or to reset the pressure at which the safety valve will operate. No special training is required, and complete instructions are furnished with each fixture.
- The Test Fixture includes needle valves, a set of adapters for any type of pilot control.
Please use the tabs below for detailed instructions for testing your particular pilots.
Axelson Test Stand Instructions
Additional Instruction Information